Ergonomics Evaluation
This evaluation incorporates ergonomic principles to improve work performance and helps to establish the optimal use of display-screen-equipment (DSE).
Who may benefit from an ergonomics evaluation?
Individuals undertaking constant computer based tasks are at risk of developing discomfort and therefore this evaluation ensures that the workstation and equipment suit the needs of the employee to minimise risk for injury, often caused by repetitive use of equipment.
Services aimed at:
Employers / Corporate
Occupational Health Companies
The evaluation is conducted at the employee’s place of work to assess the job design and method, as well as the work environment in order to identify any health risks. Recommendations are made in order to improve work performance, such as adaptations to the work environment or the need for suitable aids. The evaluation includes a confidential interview and a brief assessment of the employee’s functional ability. The report provided includes findings and recommendations and where applicable, a list of suitable equipment and suppliers is provided.