Comprehensive Driving Evaluation
We offer Comprehensive Driving Evaluations. Medical illness, injury or disability can impact a person’s ability to drive and a Comprehensive Driving Evaluation may be required for the following:
- To assess how a person’s physical, mental and cognitive abilities affect their driving fitness
- To recommend appropriate vehicle modifications & provide training in their use
- To assess work-related driving capacity
- To assist a person to identify alternative methods of transport.
Who may benefit from a Comprehensive Driving Evaluation?
If you are unsure about whether your condition or illness affects your driving ability, you may benefit from a driving evaluation. At risk populations include those with cardiovascular conditions, diabetes mellitus, hearing loss and deafness, musculoskeletal conditions, neurological conditions (such as dementia, seizures/epilepsy, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, stroke and Parkinson's disease) and psychiatric disorders.
Service aimed at:
Employers / Corporate
Occupational Health Companies
Individuals who self refer
The driving assessment consists of a clinical assessment (performed off-road) and an on-road assessment.
The clinic assessment:
The clinical assessment comprises a series of clinical tests to assess the skills required for driving. This typically includes an interview to determine medical and driving history, a physical assessment to determine any physical limitations which may impact driving, a visual screening and various cognitive and perceptual tests. The results of the clinical assessment are discussed with the client directly after the assessment and if an on-road assessment is indicated, this is arranged, either on the same day as the clinic assessment or on a separate day.
The on-road assessment:
Results from the clinic assessment are used to determine whether an on-road assessment is indicated.
The on-road assessment may be performed in the client’s vehicle or a dual-controlled vehicle If a dual-control vehicle or assessment with a Certified Driving Instructor with experience in rehabilitation is indicated, this will be arranged after the clinic assessment.
The on-road assessment is structured to start on quieter streets and progress to more complex driving situations. The outcome of the assessment will be discussed with the client following the on-road driving assessment.
Further driving rehabilitation may be recommended. The client will be provided with a letter containing the outcome of the assessment and addressed to the Driving Licence Testing Centre (DLTC). If requested by the referrer, a comprehensive report with a detailed report of findings is provided.
The on-road assessment is the criterion standard for assessing fitness to drive. In this part of the assessment, the individual's ability to respond to varying environments is assessed, as well as in-traffic fitness to drive abilities.
We are members of the Driver Fitness Coalition (DFC).